Friday, 29 November 2013

Sunday, 24 November 2013

TVB 46th Anniversary Updated Pictures

Credits : Dodo Cheng,Corrina Chan and 譚美's Weibo and Steven Cheung and tvbartistes's Instagram

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Kenny's Cute Expressions =D

Credits : 傲嬌妹在此's Weibo

Steven Cheung take the risk to go down the hill

Steven Cheung joint a trailwalk activites,need to walk for 100 kilometres in 2 days.Steven who used to thought trailwalking is easier than marathons but now realised trailwalking need alot of will power.Steven said : "I gave up trailwalking after reaching 43km last year,when I did reach 80km,it's really hard as I can't get to sleep.My leg had blister this time.There's a time my eyes lose consciousness."Fortunately,I rested for 25 minutes and my friends gave some fried rice to strengthen my power,lastly,we finished our trailwalking.Reporters asked if there's any thrilling things.Steven fortunately get motivation from friends or else he might had gave up.

Stevn who first time finished a 100km trailwalk was very touched.He is trying to challenge himself for Taiwan's 環島遊.As for work,Steven will take Sean Lau as motivation,and think idol has a humor and serious side, very eager to form lasting bonds with Johnny To.

Credits : On.CC

Monday, 18 November 2013

Maya Bar Updated Pictures

Credits : Jonny洁宝宝,-ZHUZHENTAO,张景昆12 and yumei化妆美甲's Weibo

[Old Pictures]追鱼传奇 Meet The Fans Session Updated Picture

Credits to the respective owner.
Personal Notes : This was back to months...that I just realise I hadn't posted it...

Random of The Day~

Credits : 周行星_'s Weibo

部屋2U Magazine Cover Volume 134

Credits : Steven Cheung Official Fan Club's Weibo

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Wife's Secret Cute and Chok Scenes

Credits : Allen Ting,广厦传媒叶云飞 and Missss7's Weibo

Tuesday, 12 November 2013