Friday, 30 November 2012

Show8 Bar Updated Video

Watch the video here

Personal Notes : OMG...I'm seriously so so jealous with them,Boyz was so nice to them and haha at Steven.He is so 鬼马 in the last song of the lyrics,there's a part I seriously laugh...argh,I want to see them ah...sad case,honestly,I've never seen them...

Show8 Bar Updated Pictures

Credits : SHOW8BAR惠州店,惠州的彭bo,bar菜头,Little_love_陈,_Diong,Mango_W_,x_Sean,Melody-黄晓雯,Seventeen戴文婷,熱血鐵神經,CMY-双子座,F--Kelly,Fmq____iloveu,liuyuanji,well少,琳琳琳Baby,-嚴雪映 & Show8_欧阳俊's Weibo and Steven's Instagram

Banana Boy Episode 1

Should watch it !He's too funny !Me and my family laugh just because of his scene !!Hahahaha !!

Banana Boy Episode 1

Here are some websites that contains episode 1 :

Some of the websites are only available for Mainland people O.o

Personal Notes : I guess I had to watch it at night as my Internet connection is poor and I can't even watch it now...the loading is slow...

All Kenny ex-girlfriends in Banana Boy

If you had watch the first five minutes,I believe you can see his "New IPad",that should be his personal IPad if I'm not mistaken,it shows up some old photos of him...check it out ^^

Credits : iam_KGHJ_ASYL's Weibo

"Banana Boy" Lunar December premier American Pie struck

Watch the video here

Personal Notes : OMG !Must watch !He's so funny,"I want to take all your shirts out" hahaha !!

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Remember tommorow is the broadcast day of Banana Boy XD

Stay tune to watch Banana Boy tommorow !

Credits : 杨洋yy68's Weibo

Yesterday Night....

The show was broadcasted yesterday night,Steven was in the second episode.

Credits : Edmond Leung's Weibo

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Monday, 26 November 2012

Marathon Again XD

Credits : Kitty Ma's Weibo & Steven's Instagram

Partner with Kathy Yuen

Credits : Steven Cheung & Kathy Yuen's Instagram